Monday, November 17, 2008


Damn I hate being fragile...

Since yesterday, I had one of my worst fever in China, I meant my first fever in China. Weeks before, I started to lose my appetite and I didn't really eat much. And that causes my weight to drop gradually. Nothing seemed delicious or appetizing to me. Tiffiny even suspected that I had anorexia (厌食症).

Anyway, I went to bed quite early yesterday, at around 8pm and I could feel myself in a giant oven. My body was heating up and I didn't had enough sleep. Today, my whole body felt so weak and steamy that I could hardly do anything or think anything rationally. What a mess...

Tiffiny got a febrifuge (a new word I've learned from dictionary, meaning anti-fever) pill from a friend and at least after the nap I took by skipping the CT dancing practice, I felt so much better.

That's all I have for today. Thank you for looking after me, Tiffiny. You are the best!