Thursday, November 27, 2008


Woo hooo!!! Worrying is useless, guys!! As long as you have your trust in God. I'm not trying to exaggerate anyway about God or persuade anyone to believe in God, but I just want to share something very minor but major for me that happened yesterday.

You all know that I was worrying about my PE test because I had to run 1000m within 4 minutes and 25 seconds (this is the standard of passing). Stamina is always my biggest obstacle in every sport I take part in, especially running. How the hell am I going to run 1000m within such a limited and insufficient time? I had been practicing my stamina by running once every three days at the running track in my school and my consistency in it never lasted for more than 2 weeks. Because of that, I was numb and never worried about the test anymore because I would surely fail.

Tuesday was my PE judgment day. I was acting like usual, never worried as I had already predicted my own result. We met our teacher at the running track and we could feel everyone's heart beat. The feelings of anxiety and nervousness crawled among us. We had our first test, 50m running within 8.3seconds. I was a little worried about it too because I always lacked of speed when it comes to sprinting. But I managed to pass it with the result of 8.1seconds. Beyond failing and at the stake. Lucky me.

Next, the torturing test, 1000m. Everyone had a partner who will help you to remember your time and you know the rest (of course we take care of each others asses la~). My partner finished his 1000m in 4 minutes and 33 seconds, but I told the guy who do the recording 4 minutes and 24 seconds. Hehe. He passed. When its my turn to run, I sighed and went preparing at the starting line. When the teacher shouted "GO!!", everyone rushed and some of them even pushed me aside. I was at my own track and they pushed me. Damn it. I ran and ran with all my might, but I just kept losing behind most of them. Nervousness really slowed me down, while draining my stamina. I thought I was going to fail because I could see no shadows behind me. 2 rounds and a half, finally, I could see the light, Ooops, I meant the finishing line. I gave up my last breathe and charged.

"4 minutes and 18 seconds for this spectacle guy!!"

OH MY GOD!!! CHEEZE AND RICE (a more polite way of saying "Jesus Christ")!!!! I PASSED!!! If I doubted about passing the test for a while while I was running, I could be 7 seconds behind, but I didn't!!! I PASSED the FREAKING PE TEST!!! I was speechless, but overjoy! Many a word of praising God came into my mind at the moment I heard my time.

Though I could feel my legs and my head was heavy, nothing worthed more than that 4 minutes and 18 seconds. Most of my friends accomplished their test with better results, around 3 minutes and 25-50 seconds, but I was satisfied with mine. God really blesses me, whenever I need him, or not.

God really blesses everyone, no matter how good or bad you are. We always neglect God's work when we accomplished something, and beg for His help when we are in deep trouble. Praise him, and you will be fruitful. That's all I wanted to share with all of you. May God be with you always! Peace!