Monday, December 15, 2008

What the...

Today, we had our first in-class exam for Hospital English Conversation. Basically, the aim of the class is to teach the medical students how to interact with their patients. Throughout the whole class, I've learned a lot of medical terms and time is insufficient for me to digest them all. But for the conversation part, I didn't really learn much from it because after the introduction of certain illnesses, the teacher will just let us partners to play roles of doctor and patient.

Last week, we had our first round of oral exam, which requires every partner to stand in front of the class and the "doctor" will try to diagnose the "patient's" condition according to the differential diagnosis. Tiffiny and I did it quite good, if that's what the teacher meant when he said "Very good, guys!". Half of the class haven't had their turn yet because every partner had their turn according to their name list (which is noted down based on their seats). When the whole class finished their first round, we had our second round conversation, Sore Throat, and we have to switch our roles with our partner. As usual, everyone had their turn according to their seat location. And this was when the annoying thing happened.

Tiffiny and I (and my friend's team) waited patiently for our turn as the teams in front of us had to give their conversation first. And in a sudden of no where, two teams just overtook our turn and pretended to sit in front of us. Because of these two teams who don't have a clue of what "wait for your turn" means, our turn was postponed. D*mn you all! We had been using this wait-for-your-turn approach since the first day of the class, unless the teacher asked for volunteers or pointed out your team. This is just outrageous.

One of these "outrageous" team were my roommates and their attitude has long been an eye-sore for me. Their arrogance really get into my skin and they are the only person in my room whom I really dislike, especially the other guy who is shorter. He seemed to enjoy teaching people everything, sounds like a know-it-all guy. He even tried to teach me thoeries of playing guitar, though he didn't know how to play. Stop telling Bill Gates how to make Microsoft. I can play guitar far better than you do, and you don't have the right to teach me like I'm a guitar noob. He stopped annoying me after I kept my guitar in my guitar bag, where it is unreachable from him. He once took my guitar and placed it in his room, instead of giving it back to me and say thank you. Quite a dominant guy, if that's the proper word to describe him.

After the exam, though I lost my turn to perform today, at least I've learned something very important about these two guys. A good precaution before getting myself into their traps. When they returned to our dorm, they acted like nothing had happened, but actually some of us were seriously annoyed by their act.

Medical school, known to have gathered most of the elite students (I'm not trying to convey any intelligence or ability discrimination), but because of their intelligence, most of them are seriously damaged by their anxiety and lust of being the best (or better). Well, this is life. I think I have to get myself used to it. "Simon, just endure when you can, or just ignore them." A good advice.


Anonymous said...

if come with an outrageous guy,maybe they're not on purpose.
if they do, tell them,teach them instead of escaping.After all, living with other guys is a rarity experience 4 everyone.Take them as friends is better than enemies.Hope u enjoy campus life

Anonymous said...
