It's a pretty and sunny Sunday. My brothers were at Ranchan Fountain, Serian for their Boys' Brigade's fun camp so we decided to give them a surprise visit.
Anyway, this is 2nd time going to Ranchan Fountain (as far as I could recall) and I was deeply disappointed by the 1st visit there because the environment was far different from what I expected. Ranchan Fountain is known for it's simple but beautiful natural fountains and forest scenery, but what I saw most was rubbish... What the hell! I soaked my precious steam-chicken-like body into the crystal clear and icy cool water. I was enjoying when I saw left over KFC fried chicken's bones (luckily not human's!) and used diapers between rocks beside me. Walau EH! My whole body was actually having some sort of "special" therapy using baby's pee and poo. Sucks... There goes my first impression for Ranchan Fountain.
But this time, I yearned for some changes. At least I didn't see diapers and bones anywhere. Here's a few snapshots I took during the day. Enjoy!
The first fountain near the entrance. Quite small, huh.
Heading towards the upper fountains.
Ladders again. Damn I hate them...
Left or right?
What's this flower or fruit? Looks odd...with three black balls!
Some snapshots of the river fountain.
Another one.
I like this one the most.
This one seemed a bit scary to me.
Modern hanging bridge.
Unspoilt nature.
Here's the view of the chalets' environment.
There's my brother's team mates preparing their BBQ goodies.
The "Fantastic Four" with one of them having a leaf covering his privacy. ^^
Though everything seemed to improve a lot, improvements are still needed, especially it's sanitary. You'll see what I meant.
A hill of bottles. But at least they grouped them together to make the cleaning easier.
Uncivillized people who did uncivilized act.I think most people who came to Ranchan Recreation Park or elsewhere are illiterate. Why illiterate? There's a big board stating the Do's and Don't just at the entrance and LITTERING is prohibited. "Don't Litter", "Jangan Membuang Sampah" and "别乱丢垃圾" are written bigger than their eyes, but they still don't get what they meant. I'm not perfect and I admit that sometimes I do create rubbish, but, hey, what are these bins for?
We call these bins or alike RUBBISH BINS, a specially placed item where you can put your rubbish in.
For so much rubbish you see in the park, the rubbish bins are always empty. Weird, but funny.
So, for those who read my blog and didn't know what rubbish bins are for, learn from your mistakes. Malaysia has been my home for 19 years. I love Malaysia, but just disappointed. Anyway, stop talking Malaysia. It's pointless. Here's a funny and interesting scene I saw when I was in Ranchan.
This dog seemed to mistaken this cute Dalmation-like car for "his" long lost Dalmation soul-mate... Poor doggie (and poor eyesight).
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